3 Key Habits of Highly Successful People.

5 min readMay 1, 2020


What do the most successful people in the world have in common? What makes them successful? What is that they don’t do? More than you think! Success is a mindset, a mixture of hard work, dedication and determination, and a bit of luck.

Since childhood we all dream of being successful one day. Today everyone wants to be successful, Don’t you? Like instant 2 minutes noodles, most of us want instant success.😀 PN: There is no shortcut to success.😂😂

How Success is Measured? Who is measuring your success?

Measurements pervade life and society. Long ago, Aristotle expressed that ‘Man is essentially a social animal by nature.’ Man lives in society for his mental and intellectual development and thus cannot live without society. But now we dwell in a typical society where we are judged by our success and failure, today success is something directly related to how much money someone was making. When a person makes huge money, owns a luxurious bungalow or Mercedes-Benz it’s easy to assume that he or she is successful. But everyone has their own definition of success. Isn’t it? Just because you’re rich and possessing all the luxuries of life doesn’t mean you’re a model of success, and just because you’re not raking in millions or you don’t make to the top IITs or MNCs ( Big 4) doesn’t mean you’re a failure. There is much more beyond materialistic trophies.

However, in the last tens years, I’ve noticed a major shift in how iconic personalities look at success — myself included. To be successful and satisfied we have to stop this close-minded thinking and start to imbibe certain habits and qualities. To develop a successful mindset you need to change the way you think and believe me success will follow you. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.

“A keen observer of life once said, “no man can fail, if some one person sees him successful.” Such is the power of the vision, and many a great man owed his success to a wife, or sister, or a friend who “believed in him” and held without wavering to the perfect pattern!”
Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life and How To Play It

In fact, the hallmarks of successful people are actually strategies that you can begin using today. Here are the key 3 habits of highly successful people :

1. Never compare

Do you often realize that you are comparing yourself to others? Probably to a close friend or your sibling or someone famous? Is the answer Yes? (Think for a while ). The unfortunate truth is that it’s the reality for too many of us. It’s a human tendency. The mentality of competing with each other is frequently noticed at places including schools, colleges, coaching, workspaces including organizations, offices, etc. As long as its a healthy comparison its good but the moment you are experiencing relative deprivation things began to get worse.

What is Relative Deprivation ?

Relative Deprivation theory is credited to sociologist Samuel Stouffer, who developed the approach while studying social psychology during World War II. Relative deprivation is the belief that a person will feel deprived or entitled to something based on the comparison to someone else.

Why you should not compare?

Actually, by comparing yourself to other people(friends, relatives ) we are limiting ourselves. Comparison often intensifies and turns into negative self-talk. Thoughts like “I’m not good enough like him /her,” or “I’ll never make it like the way he/ she does ” or “ How did she /he get this ?” slowly start creeping into the minds. This kind of gloomy thinking will cause grudge, bitterness within oneself and will suck the life right out of you; they’re massive energy-stealers often leading to develop anxiety and depression. These will surely impede your success.

Instead of wasting your energy on jealousy, successful people funnel that energy into gratitude. When you celebrate the success of other people, you both benefit. Successful people never compare with others rather they compare themselves. This means with each passing day they work on themselves and try to be a better version of oneself than the previous day. So now onwards shift the focus from others to only ‘ YOU.’

2. Learn from Failures.

Most of the iconic personalities have previously faced failures in their lives. Yet, they continued on their ways to success and finally achieved massive success in their fields of expertise. Now how was this possible? It was possible primarily because of: determination and to learn and unlearn from their failure. Not to repeat the same mistake twice. This is one of the hallmarks of successful people. So the next time when you face failure, smile, and embrace failure because it going to bring out your enhanced version. Work on your mistakes and don’t repeat them.

3. Never Ever Give up!

The third and most important habit ingrained within successful people is the ‘ Never Give Up Attitude ’. Not giving up is the point. There stand several such examples all over the world to name a few: Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Stephen King, J.K.Rowling, and many more….. Do you know that there was one thing common among them all and that was they strongly believed ‘ Failure is Temporary, but giving Up is What Makes It Permanent .’ Always believe the match is not over yet ……because I have not won!

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” — Thomas A. Edison

Keep in mind developing a never give up attitude takes time, it is like building muscle in the gym. It’s tough work, especially in the beginning, but once you have it you feel unstoppable.

“Winners Never Quit, and Quitters never win.” ―Vince Lombardi

Thus the answers to: What do the most successful people in the world have in common? comes from ……looking at those who have created success in their field of expertise with these 3 essential habits. These 3 habits may sound simple, but they lead to remarkable results. Over a period of time, these 3 qualities will surely bring the Best Within U …..

Good Luck!

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Written by LifeOrem

Crafting Life's Theorems, One Lesson at a Time. Fostering Growth Beyond Grades .

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